Home Μουσική Μουσικά Νέα H Anneke Van Giersbergen μας παρουσιάζει το ολοκαίνουργιο Zo Lief

H Anneke Van Giersbergen μας παρουσιάζει το ολοκαίνουργιο Zo Lief


Αυτή είναι η νέα δουλειά της Anneke Van Giersbergen και έχει τον τίτλο ‘Zo Lief‘, ένα ακόμα συμφωνικό κομμάτι για το album που θα κυκλοφορήσει στις 16 Νοέμβρη.
Αφορά ένα τρυφερό κομμάτι που έχει γραφτεί χρόνια πριν και είναι στα Ολλανδικά, στην μητρική γλώσσα της τραγουδίστριας. Όπως λέει και παρακάτω:

The song is about hanging on and letting go. I always thought that I would be a pretty relaxed mom, but dealing with transitions turns out to be more challenging than expected. Every time my son Finn enthusiastically welcomes a new stage of his independence, I have to admit that letting go of parental attachment isn’t that easy.
The English translation of the song title is ‘So Sweet’ and this is the very first time I release a song in my native language as a solo artist.
I wrote and demoed ‘Zo Lief’ a couple of years ago and Gijs Kramers made a subtle arrangement for Residentie Orkest The Hague. The video was shot at the Dutch North Sea coast by director Mark Uyl.
‘Zo Lief’ is very close to my heart, I hope it means something to you as well ❤️

You can also pre-order the physical album here:
and here:

Το album θα είναι διαθέσιμο σε CD Digipak, Gatefold 2LP + CD, καθώς και σε ψηφιακή μορφή για το διαδίκτυο.

01. Feel Alive
02. Amity (originally released by The Gathering)
03. Your Glorious Light Will Shine – Helsinki (originally released by VUUR)
04. Two Souls (originally released by Lorrainville)
05. When I Am laid In Earth (aria by Henry Purcell)
06. Travel (originally released by The Gathering)
07. Zo Lief (unreleased song in Dutch)
08. You Will Never Change
09. Freedom – Rio (originally released by VUUR)
10. Forgotten (originally released by The Gathering)
11. Shores Of India (originally released by The Gentle Storm)