Home Globalnoiz Interviews Dark Funeral: The Interview

Dark Funeral: The Interview

Dark Funeral
Dark Funeral’s upcoming appearance in Athens in a short time, as well as the excellent album they released two years ago, were the reason for us to conduct a full interview with the guitarist and founding member of the band, Lord Ahriman.

(Read the Greeek version)

What’s going on in Dark Funeral camp these days? Is everything alright with Erik Andreas Vingback’s health?
L.A.: We just came back home from a short tour in Latin America. And are now getting ready to start our summer festival season next weekend. So lot’s of work & preparation for that right now. Heljarmadr have recouped real well so we’re back at full force!

You have conducted tours to promote “We are the apocalypse” which was released in 2022. What are the reactions of the fans?

L.A.:  Every tour we have done since we release the last album have been absolutely amazing, much to the tremendous response & support from the fans!

Going back in time, would you like to change something in “We are the apocalypse”? Overall, are you happy with the final result?
L.A.: Well, song-wise I’ve very satisfied with the outcome, but there’s some production/mixing issues that I’m not too happy with, but it is what it is. And we just have to do it better the next time.

Do you think that “We are the apocalypse” is the most melodic work of Dark Funeral’s blackness ever released?

L.A.: Not sure really, but it’s our most versatile & cinematic album to date, offering more of everything along with quite a few new elements.

Where do you draw your inspiration for the lyrics and how did “We are the apocalypse” differ from previous albums?

L.A.: Lyrics are a topic ment for Heljarmadr rather then me, but sometimes when I write I get ideas for a theme, something that pops up in mind when I write the song. And when that happens I explain that to Heljarmadr and he then take off from there eg “Temple Of Ahriman, “As I Ascend” to mention some….

When can we expect a new album from Dark Funeral? Have you composed any songs for the upcoming work?

L.A.: It’s been a couple of months since I’ve had time to sit down and actually work on new music, but I’ve started putting together quite a bit of epic material. Time will tell when we have a new album ready. Is a lot of work left. In addition to that, we have some special releases coming up. Watch out….

Dark Funeral

Do you prefer to be on tour or recording in the studio? Would you like to share with us the funniest thing that has happened on tour?

L.A.:  In a way I consider myself a songwriter rather then a guitarist, or live musician, but on the other hand Dark Funeral is and have always been a live band. It’s live where I/we can bring the whole visual experience that I have in my mind when I compose the songs. Sadly we cant bring that whole image I have in my mind onstage due to budget limitations, but we’re pushing as far as we can. And we’ll keep pushing and improve that part as far as we financially can . As far as I see it, there’s no limitation on ideas & visions, only budget.

What is your opinion about A.I. and its involvement in our music?
L.A.: Could perhaps be used as a tool, but it can never replace a human and a soul.

LordAhriman, Dark Funeral

Which do you think are the strongest Black Metal scenes in the world and why?
L.A.: Hard to say. We have a great fanbase pretty much everywhere. We have however toured much more in the US then in Europe for the past 6-8 years so I’d say we have grown our fanbase over there A LOT, but cant say for a certain where the strongest Black Metal scene is, only where Dark Funeral reign the most at this point! It’s time to re-conquer rest of the word now!

Dark Funeral will perform in Athens on September 22th 2024, what can people expect from your show?
L.A.: We have stepped up on all levels in our performance  so prepare for the most epic and powerful show by DARK FUNERAL to ever hit Athens. You dont wanna miss this!

That’s all from me, I wish you good luck in everything you do from now on. I would like to close the interview with a few words for the readership of afternoiz.gr.

L.A.:  Thanks for your show of interest in DARK FUNERAL! See you on Sep 22. Make sure to grab your ticket NOW!

Live in Athens

Read more about the concert in Greece, εδώ.

Dark Funeral: Νέα ημερομηνία και καλά νέα από τον Heljarmadr




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