Home Μουσική Μουσικά Νέα Οι One step from the edge μας παρουσιάζουν το Behind the walls

Οι One step from the edge μας παρουσιάζουν το Behind the walls

One step from the edge

Οι Γιαννιώτες One step from the edge έρχονται για να μας παρουσιάσουν το δεύτερο τους track με τίτλο Behind the walls. Αφορά κομμάτι από το δεύτερο τους cd που όπως αναφέρουν δεν έχουν ακόμα ονομάσει και πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσει μέσα στην χρονιά.

One step from the edge

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“One step from the Edge” have just released “Behind the Walls”, the second track from their upcoming second, still untitled, cd which will be released in 2019. You can listen to the new track here:

“One step from the Edge” were created in Ioannina, Greece in 2016. The sound of the band is a mix of many different musical genres, but is based on a modern sound with massive, groovy and melodic guitars, heavyrhythm section and the use of both clean, melodic and brutal vocals.

The band has already released in 30th of October 2017 a full length cd entitled “Beneath the Surface” which was recorded by Achilleas Kalantzis in “Suncord Audiolab studios”.

You can listen to tracks from the upcoming cd in the band’s youtube channel:


“One step from the Edge” have already composed the music for the second full length cd which they will be recording in the next few months. Along with that the band has already performed live with bands like Mahakala, Blaze Bayley, Maplerun, Memorain, Hekatomb, Bandemonic, Murder Angels, Hidden in the Basement, Phil Campbell & the Bastard Sons, Beggars, Full House B.C., Behind The Smokescreen, Septic Flesh and Scar of the Sun.

For more information and in order to communicate with the band:




