Home Μουσική Μουσικά Νέα Με διασκευές παίζει η Amy Lee των Evanescence .

Με διασκευές παίζει η Amy Lee των Evanescence .


Αυτά είναι τα 2/3 από τις διασκευές που έκανε η τραγουδίστρια των Evanescence, Amy Lee. Όχι μόνο δεν βεβήλωσε αλλά τα έκοψε και τα έραψε επάνω στο ύφος της.

Πριν λίγα λεπτά δημοσίευσε το προσωπικό της προφίλ στο facebook, το link για τις διασκευές τις καθώς και το σημείο όπου μπορείτε να τα ακούσετε στο Spotify.
Πάρτε μια γεύση.

Cover #3: Going to California

This song is a classic that I’ve loved for as long as I can remember. It puts me at peace. My friend and manager, Jordan, had recorded the instrumentation for fun and when I heard it a few months ago I knew instantly that I had to sing on it. Listening to mommy sing usually helps get Jack into that elusive sleepy place, and this song has been a regular rotation nap-time hit around our house this fall. As I was preparing for the November Evanescence shows, I just really wanted a moment like this in our set. So I showed this version to Troy, who made it a personal challenge to master a finger-picking based song, which was outside his comfort zone (not that you could tell- he sounded amazing!). We had so much fun playing it live! It’s a pleasure to sing a song publicly that is such a part of who I am offstage – my roots, the style of music that we always played around my house when I was growing up, and still at every big family gathering, singing and playing music with my dad.
Hope you enjoy it!

Cover #2: With or Without You.

Sometimes I dream in music. This dark version of U2’s immortal song was playing in my head as I woke up one morning. I was lingering in that half-awake, half-asleep place, with no images- just darkness, this song, and huge emotions. As I was becoming conscious I just kept thinking “don’t let it go, don’t forget!” And I went straight upstairs and laid down the synth and basic vocal. I had the pleasure of seeing U2 live at MSG this year and it was powerful and inspiring. It made me excited to play live again! This track is still my favorite of theirs. Love is rarely simple, more often it’s tearing your guts out. And I think that’s why this song creeps into my dreams and haunts me. Enjoy!
