Οι Villagers of Ioannina City μπορεί να ακύρωσαν συναυλίες το τελευταίο διάστημα λόγω της επιδημίας, αυτό όμως δεν σημαίνει ότι θα αφήσουν το κοινό τους έτσι!
Νέο, φρεσκότατο δωράκι από τη νέα τους δισκογραφική δουλειά “Age of Aquarius“, όπου και θα κυκλοφορήσει στις 4 Απριλίου μέσω της Napalm Records.
Ο τίτλος του τραγουδιού είναι το εξαιρετικό “Father Sun”
“Look at the horizon, the Sun is reaching out..”
Hello brothers and sisters.
For too long now, mother Earth has been sending messages that we are completely on the wrong trail. Let’s see these strange days as an opportunity to reconsider and imagine what our lifestyle should be and what really really matters.
It is vital to reconnect with the Earth and start thinking globally. We must set as our priority the prosperity of all human beings with respect and in perfect harmony with nature.
It is clearer now more than ever that we are truly connected and one’s actions affect all of us. As quickly as a virus or something bad spreads without knowing borders or nations, so can love, kindness, good vibes, and peace be spread among us.
Wash away the fear, realize and embrace our unity with everything, act accordingly and that will be the beginning of the change you are waiting for.
This is a very beautiful lyric video made by 12 Inch Media for the song “Father Sun”, to reminds us that even in the darkest moments the Sun will always rise when the time comes to spread his light again.
stay positive and kind
Villagers of Ioannina CityPhysical edition out April 3rd by Napalm Records
Pre-order a physical copy of here:
Listen “Age of Aquarius” on Spotify and all digital platforms here: