Home Μουσική Μουσικά Νέα Δεν θα διεξαχθεί τον Ιούνιο το SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL

Δεν θα διεξαχθεί τον Ιούνιο το SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL


Δεν έχουν αφήσει μουσικό ή γενικά πολιτιστικό γεγονός, που να μην του έχουν κόψει τα φτερά. Αυτή την φορά την πόρτα χτύπησαν και για το SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL, όπου επίσημα ακυρώθηκε για το 2020…

Φαίνεται πως άγνωστη είναι η έως τώρα πορεία όχι μόνο το ιού, αλλά και των γεγονότων. Καλλιτέχνες αλλά και διοργανωτές έχουν βρεθεί εκτός  μη γνωρίζοντας τι θα γίνει στο μέλλον, και πόσο σύντομο θα είναι αυτό, εφόσον συναυλίες έχουν ακυρωθεί έως και τον Αύγουστο.

Το SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL πριν λίγη ώρα ανακοίνωσε την ακύρωση του φεστιβάλ όπου θα πάει κανονικά για την επόμενη χρονιά. Διαβάστε την ενημέρωση που δημοσίευσαν.

In the last few weeks we have been working hard investigating the possibilities to reschedule the 2020 festival from June to the end of the summer. For a while it looked doable, as we received a very positive response to the plan from artists, suppliers and collaborators. However, due to the unprecedented situation it has now become clear that cancelling is unavoidable. Instead we are now focusing our efforts towards 2021.

For many of you, our visitors, Sweden Rock Festival is one of the highlights of the year. The festival is also of great importance to a number of others, such as crew staff, suppliers, partners, associations, camp sites, hotels and more. A lot of people have been working hard for a very long time to prepare for another sold out event. Hence, we put a lot of energy and time into exploring alternative options. We are now taking all that hard work and enthusiasm and putting it towards 9-12 June 2021. We promise to make next year’s festival the best one ever!

Associations and Sweden Rock heavy metal camp
Sweden Rock Festival has over 3,000 people working for the festival through a number of regional associations (sports clubs and similar). Each association is compensated by them invoicing Sweden Rock a fee based on the number of hours worked. For many of them, this money is the largest revenue post of the year and crucial for their operations. The associations do a fantastic job and their commitment is indispensable for the festival’s existence. We have therefore decided that even though this year’s festival is not taking place, we will pay full association fees to all the associations that we have agreements with and who also have an ongoing member activity all year round.

Together with our partner Studiefrämjandet, we also still aim to put together this year’s “Sweden Rock-kollo” – the summer camp for girls wanting to learn to play metal. However, it will take place at a later date and in accordance with the national health recommendations.

Ticket information
Tickets purchased for Sweden Rock Festival 2020 will now automatically be valid for the 2021 festival, but you will also be offered the option of receiving a refund.

By choosing to hold on to your ticket for 2021, you are helping the festival, and you are also helping us help the associations and the Sweden Rock metal camp. As a thank you for your support you will receive a gift card that gives you SEK 200 to use in our online merch shop https://www.swedenrock.com/butik.

Look out for an e-mail from Ticketmaster with further ticketing information very soon.

Finally, we would like to thank you for your support and understanding. We have the best audience in the world and we hope to see you all again 9-12 June 2021.

/ The Sweden Rock Management Team

For more information visit: https://www.swedenrock.com/fs-installt