Home Μουσική Μουσικά Νέα Ακούστε το νέο κομμάτι των Evanescence!

Ακούστε το νέο κομμάτι των Evanescence!

The chain-evanescence

Αυτό είναι το νέο κομμάτι – διασκευή των Evanescence που δημοσιεύθηκε πριν λίγες ώρες και μετρά 150.462 προβολές.

Φαίνεται πως το The Chain από το 1977 και τους Fleetwood Mac, έκανε το συγκρότημα να πειραματιστεί με τον δικό του ρυθμό, για το Xbox video game του Gear 5.

“The lyrics make me feel the power of standing together against great forces trying to pull us apart, perhaps even from the inside. I really wanted to drive that home in our version,” lead singer Amy Lee

“The goal of the video is to show the bond of this band as they deliver a powerful take on a classic song. The tie in with Gears 5 presented an opportunity to combine the game world together with the band performance in a post-apocalyptic setting. The band emerges from the ashes to come together. We wanted to bring these worlds together and feel both the force of the band and the game.” Directed by: P.R. Brown Produced by: Steve Lamar Production co:Bau-Da Design Lab, Inc. edited by: P.R. Brown”