Home Globalnoiz COURSE OF FATE announce the release of their first full length album

COURSE OF FATE announce the release of their first full length album


This 45 min conceptual piece of music was born back in 2014, when Kenneth Henriksen started making new songs right after the release of the band’s Cognizance EP. After finishing a few songs it became obvious that the band wanted the album to have a red line throughout, inspired by albums like “The Wall“, “Scenes From A Memory” and “Operation Mindcrime“. “I have always been intrigued by writing an album as one piece” adds Kenneth Henriksen. When Eivind and Kenneth started working on the lyrics they wanted it to somehow be inspired by the poem Antigonish by William Hughes Mearns, but also by cult leaders and the people who follow them. In that essence, ”Mindweaver” unfolds a story about a man who experiences visions of the end of the world.

Mindweaver” will be released through ROARRock of Angels Records, physically and digitally worldwide on May 15, 2020.


  1. There Is Someone Watching
  2. The Faceless Men Pt. I
  3. Endgame
  4. Utopia
  5. The Walls Are Closing In
  6. Wolves
  7. Drifting Away
  8. The Faceless Men Pt. II

Eivind Gunnesen – Vocals
Kenneth Henriksen – Guitar
Marcus Lorentzen – Guitar
Carl Marius Saugstad – Keyboard
Daniel Nygaard – Bass
Per-Morten Bergseth – Drums




• Mixed and mastered by Arnold Lindberg at Nobel Street Studio in Gothenburg.

  • Cover art and layout by StanWDecker.
  • Band photo by TerjeMetaworks” Johansen.
  • Produced by Course of Fateand JonFredrik Olsen.