Home Μουσική Μουσικά Νέα Ο Sivert Høyem αποχαιρετά τον χρόνο με το ‘A Good Year for...

Ο Sivert Høyem αποχαιρετά τον χρόνο με το ‘A Good Year for the Roses’

Sivert Høyem

Την ίδια ημέρα που η Νορβηγία θρηνεί θύματα από κατολίσθηση, ο Νορβηγός Sivert Høyem χαρίζει στο κοινό του, το ‘A Good Year for the Roses‘, για όλους εκείνους που κατάφεραν κάτω από αντίξοες συνθήκες να ξεπεράσουν τα προβλήματα και κυρίως να τα αφήσουν στην χρονιά που φεύγει.

It’s been the STRANGEST year! As a sort of debriefing I want to share my take on an old favorite of mine. In this song, written by Jerry Chestnut and first sung by the great George Jones, it’s the kind of year where everything turns to shit for the people involved — divorce, loneliness, crying children that no one hears anymore, the garden grows wild, yet the roses are thriving like never before.

Now, I don’t know how plants did in 2020, but us people had our hands full. As I played it during my solo tour this year, the song took on a new kind of cosmic meaning. I could have done worse in 2020, I live a life of privilege, but I can’t wait for the weirdness and isolation of the past year to end. I miss seeing my friends more, I miss planning for the future and playing those big shows.

My heart goes out to those who lost a loved one, those who see their livelihood threatened by this crisis and those who felt the isolation of this year particularly hard. I wish for a better 2021 for all of us, not just for the roses, but for people too.